0.12.0 (Color Parsing)
Release 0.12.0
Release Summary (Color Sequence Parsing, Background Colors, and Tests)
This release features three new effects, Highlight, LaserEtch, and Sweep as well as support for parsing existing color sequences from the input data. Support for background colors has been added throughout the engine. There are many smaller changes such as improved bezier curves, custom easing functions, and various optimizations, some of which will be detailed below.
It's Been A While
It has been nearly 8 months since the last release. That's entirely due to life changes on my end that kept me away from TTE development. I have not been able to work on TTE consistently for about six of those months. Things have settled and I am now able to dedicate time each week to this project (and new projects). Expect more frequent updates from now on.
New Effects (Highlight, LaserEtch, Sweep)
First up, there are three new effects.
The Highlight effect runs a specular highlight across the text. To best demonstrate this effect, I will use a solid block of text.
The highlight brightness, width, and direction are all customizable.
The LaserEtch effect burns the text into the terminal, sending sparks flying. As the sparks fall, they cool and disappear. If the sparks reach the bottom of the canvas before burning out, they will land on the bottom.
The etch speed, laser colors, spark colors and all gradients are customizable.
The Sweep effect makes two passes over the canvas. On the first pass, the text is revealed, dimmed, and without color. On the second pass, the text is colored.
The sweep directions and sweep noise symbols are customizable. On the second sweep, the noise takes on colors from the final gradient.
Color Sequence Parsing
TTE can now parse 8/24-bit color sequences from the input data, and associate them with the characters to which they should be applied. This includes both foreground and background sequences.
- The following ANSI escape sequence formats are supported:
- 8-bit Sequences
ESC[38:5:⟨n⟩m Select foreground color
ESC[48:5:⟨n⟩m Select background color
24-bit Sequences
ESC[38;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB foreground color
ESC[48;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB background color
There is a new TerminalConfig command line argument --existing-color-handling
that determines how these sequences are used within effects.
There are three options for the --existing-color-handling
When set to 'dynamic', each effect will determine how the input sequences are handled.
When set to 'always', no other color will be applied to the characters. They will always reflect the colors as provided in the input text. In most cases, this setting will result in an effect that loses much of its design.
When set to 'ignore', the input colors will be ignored. This is the default.
Color Handling Example
I recommend using a tool such as ASCII Silhouettify to turn your art into ASCII.
In the example below, ASCII Silhouettify was used to process the image into ASCII with color sequences. The ASCII was piped directly into TTE. Each of the color handling options is demonstrated.
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Dynamic Color Sequence Handling
The beams effect supports dynamic color handling which results in the standard gradient being replaced with the colors parsed from the input data. The beams, however, keep their color.
Always Color Sequence Handling
The characters never deviate from the input colors. This results in the beams taking on the color of the character as they pass over. The dimming effect is not applied.
Ignore Color Sequence Handling
The color sequences are parsed and removed from the input. The result is the normal effect behavior.
Support for dynamic color handling has not been added to all effects. To track the progress of this feature, see this Issue.
Background Colors
TTE now supports specifying background colors throughout the engine. In calls which expect color values, a ColorPair object, providing a foreground and/or background color is used.
There are no effects currently which use background colors.
Ease All The Things
easing is easy
Easing Closure
A new easing function is available that provides a closure around an arbitrary ease.
import terminaltexteffects as tte
bounce_ease = tte.easing.eased_step_function(easing_func=tte.easing.out_bounce,
Every call to bounce_ease
above, outputs a tuple of (current step, eased value). Once the current step reaches 1,
the function will stop increasing the step and the return value will never change.
The wipe effect supports arbitrary easing via this new function. Here is an example of the out_bounce
easing function applied to the progression of the wipe.
Custom Cubic Bezier Ease
In addition to the function above, a new easing function has been added which allows for the specification of completely custom easing function using bezier control points. An example follows.
Here, I'll use cubic-bezier.com to visually build a curve. The x-axis is time, in our case each call to the ease function will progress one unit across the x-axis. The y-axis is the progression of the function. The bottom is 0, the top is 1.
I will apply the control points seen in the image above, (0, .81, .98, .22) to the easing function and
pass the function to the ease
argument when creating a new Path. The target
Coord will be the right side of the canvas.
target_coord = tte.Coord(
pth = test_char.motion.new_path(ease=tte.easing.make_easing(0, 0.81, 0.98, 0.22),
With the custom easing function applied to the motion of a single character traveling across the canvas, we would expect to see the character move quickly at first, slow down towards the center, and speed up again as it progresses to the right of the canvas.
Misc Optimizations and Fixes
This updates includes many fixes and optimizations, details can be found in the full changelog.
Now that TTE has grown in scale beyond that which I can meaningfully test manually, a full suite of unittests has been added. Pytest is fun, and parameterization has enabled the testing of all effects, with all of their arguments, and a representative sample of the acceptable ranges for those arguments. This was simply impossible manually. All together, there are approximately 30,000 tests run against the codebase, taking about seven minutes.