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Quick Start
from terminaltexteffects.effects.effect_random_sequence import RandomSequence

effect = RandomSequence("YourTextHere")
with effect.terminal_output() as terminal:
    for frame in effect:

Prints the input data in a random sequence, one character at a time.


Name Description

Prints the input data in a random sequence.


Configuration for the RandomSequence effect.


Iterator for the RandomSequence effect. Does not normally need to be called directly.


Bases: BaseEffect[RandomSequenceConfig]

Prints the input data in a random sequence, one character at a time.


Name Type Description
effect_config PourConfig

Configuration for the effect.

terminal_config TerminalConfig

Configuration for the terminal.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/effects/
class RandomSequence(BaseEffect[RandomSequenceConfig]):
    """Prints the input data in a random sequence, one character at a time.

        effect_config (PourConfig): Configuration for the effect.
        terminal_config (TerminalConfig): Configuration for the terminal.

    _config_cls = RandomSequenceConfig
    _iterator_cls = RandomSequenceIterator

    def __init__(self, input_data: str) -> None:
        """Initialize the effect with the provided input data.

            input_data (str): The input data to use for the effect."""


Initialize the effect with the provided input data.


Name Type Description Default
input_data str

The input data to use for the effect.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/effects/
def __init__(self, input_data: str) -> None:
    """Initialize the effect with the provided input data.

        input_data (str): The input data to use for the effect."""

RandomSequenceConfig dataclass

Bases: ArgsDataClass

Configuration for the RandomSequence effect.


Name Type Description
starting_color Color

Color of the characters at spawn.

final_gradient_stops tuple[Color, ...]

Tuple of colors for the final color gradient. If only one color is provided, the characters will be displayed in that color.

final_gradient_steps tuple[int, ...] | int

Tuple of the number of gradient steps to use. More steps will create a smoother and longer gradient animation. Valid values are n > 0.

final_gradient_frames int

Number of frames to display each gradient step. Increase to slow down the gradient animation.

final_gradient_direction Direction

Direction of the final gradient.

speed float

Speed of the animation as a percentage of the total number of characters to reveal in each tick. Valid values are 0 < n <= 1.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/effects/
    help="Prints the input data in a random sequence.",
    description="randomsequence | Prints the input data in a random sequence.",
    epilog="Example: terminaltexteffects randomsequence --starting-color 000000 --final-gradient-stops 8A008A 00D1FF FFFFFF --final-gradient-steps 12 --final-gradient-frames 12 --speed 0.004",
class RandomSequenceConfig(ArgsDataClass):
    """Configuration for the RandomSequence effect.

        starting_color (Color): Color of the characters at spawn.
        final_gradient_stops (tuple[Color, ...]): Tuple of colors for the final color gradient. If only one color is provided, the characters will be displayed in that color.
        final_gradient_steps (tuple[int, ...] | int): Tuple of the number of gradient steps to use. More steps will create a smoother and longer gradient animation. Valid values are n > 0.
        final_gradient_frames (int): Number of frames to display each gradient step. Increase to slow down the gradient animation.
        final_gradient_direction (Gradient.Direction): Direction of the final gradient.
        speed (float): Speed of the animation as a percentage of the total number of characters to reveal in each tick. Valid values are 0 < n <= 1.

    starting_color: Color = ArgField(
        help="Color of the characters at spawn.",
    )  # type: ignore[assignment]

    "Color : Color of the characters at spawn."
    final_gradient_stops: tuple[Color, ...] = ArgField(
        default=(Color("8A008A"), Color("00D1FF"), Color("FFFFFF")),
        help="Space separated, unquoted, list of colors for the character gradient (applied from bottom to top). If only one color is provided, the characters will be displayed in that color.",
    )  # type: ignore[assignment]

    "tuple[Color, ...] : Tuple of colors for the final color gradient. If only one color is provided, the characters will be displayed in that color."
    final_gradient_steps: tuple[int, ...] | int = ArgField(
        help="Space separated, unquoted, list of the number of gradient steps to use. More steps will create a smoother and longer gradient animation.",
    )  # type: ignore[assignment]

    "tuple[int, ...] | int : Int or Tuple of ints for the number of gradient steps to use. More steps will create a smoother and longer gradient animation."
    final_gradient_frames: int = ArgField(
        help="Number of frames to display each gradient step. Increase to slow down the gradient animation.",
    )  # type: ignore[assignment]

    "int : Number of frames to display each gradient step. Increase to slow down the gradient animation."
    final_gradient_direction: Gradient.Direction = ArgField(
        help="Direction of the final gradient.",
    )  # type: ignore[assignment]

    "Gradient.Direction : Direction of the final gradient."
    speed: float = ArgField(
        help="Speed of the animation as a percentage of the total number of characters to reveal in each tick.",
    )  # type: ignore[assignment]

    "float : Speed of the animation as a percentage of the total number of characters to reveal in each tick."

    def get_effect_class(cls):
        return RandomSequence

final_gradient_direction: Gradient.Direction = ArgField(cmd_name='--final-gradient-direction', type_parser=argvalidators.GradientDirection.type_parser, default=Gradient.Direction.VERTICAL, metavar=argvalidators.GradientDirection.METAVAR, help='Direction of the final gradient.') class-attribute instance-attribute

Gradient.Direction : Direction of the final gradient.

final_gradient_frames: int = ArgField(cmd_name=['--final-gradient-frames'], type_parser=argvalidators.PositiveInt.type_parser, default=12, metavar=argvalidators.PositiveInt.METAVAR, help='Number of frames to display each gradient step. Increase to slow down the gradient animation.') class-attribute instance-attribute

int : Number of frames to display each gradient step. Increase to slow down the gradient animation.

final_gradient_steps: tuple[int, ...] | int = ArgField(cmd_name=['--final-gradient-steps'], type_parser=argvalidators.PositiveInt.type_parser, nargs='+', default=12, metavar=argvalidators.PositiveInt.METAVAR, help='Space separated, unquoted, list of the number of gradient steps to use. More steps will create a smoother and longer gradient animation.') class-attribute instance-attribute

tuple[int, ...] | int : Int or Tuple of ints for the number of gradient steps to use. More steps will create a smoother and longer gradient animation.

final_gradient_stops: tuple[Color, ...] = ArgField(cmd_name=['--final-gradient-stops'], type_parser=argvalidators.ColorArg.type_parser, nargs='+', default=(Color('8A008A'), Color('00D1FF'), Color('FFFFFF')), metavar=argvalidators.ColorArg.METAVAR, help='Space separated, unquoted, list of colors for the character gradient (applied from bottom to top). If only one color is provided, the characters will be displayed in that color.') class-attribute instance-attribute

tuple[Color, ...] : Tuple of colors for the final color gradient. If only one color is provided, the characters will be displayed in that color.

speed: float = ArgField(cmd_name=['--speed'], type_parser=argvalidators.PositiveFloat.type_parser, default=0.004, metavar=argvalidators.PositiveFloat.METAVAR, help='Speed of the animation as a percentage of the total number of characters to reveal in each tick.') class-attribute instance-attribute

float : Speed of the animation as a percentage of the total number of characters to reveal in each tick.

starting_color: Color = ArgField(cmd_name=['--starting-color'], type_parser=argvalidators.ColorArg.type_parser, default=Color('000000'), metavar=argvalidators.ColorArg.METAVAR, help='Color of the characters at spawn.') class-attribute instance-attribute

Color : Color of the characters at spawn.