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Basic Usage

from import Gradient, Color

rgb = Gradient(Color("ff0000"), Color("00ff00"), Color("0000ff"), steps=5)
for color in rgb:
    # color is a hex string

Printing Gradients

Gradients can be printed to the terminal to show information about the stops, steps, and resulting spectrum.


Gradient Reference

A Gradient is a list of RGB hex color strings transitioning from one color to another.

The gradient color list is calculated using linear interpolation based on the provided start and end colors and the number of steps. Gradients can be iterated over to get the next color in the gradient color list. If there is only one color in the stops list, the gradient will be a list of the same color.

If multiple steps are given, the gradient between pairs of colors will be equal to the number of steps for the pair based on the order of stops and steps.

Ex: stops = ("ffffff", "aaaaaa", "000000"), steps = (6, 3)

"fffffff" -> (6 steps) -> "aaaaaa" -> (3 steps) -> "000000"

The step count includes the stop for each pair. Total number of colors in the resulting gradient spectrum is the sum of the steps between each pair of stops plus 1.


Name Type Description
spectrum list[str]

List (length=sum(steps) + 1) of RGB hex color strings

Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
class Gradient:
    """A Gradient is a list of RGB hex color strings transitioning from one color to another.

    The gradient color list is calculated using linear interpolation based on the provided start and end colors
    and the number of steps. Gradients can be iterated over to get the next color in the gradient color list.
    If there is only one color in the stops list, the gradient will be a list of the same color.

    If multiple steps are given, the gradient between pairs of colors will be equal to the number of steps for the pair
    based on the order of stops and steps.

    Ex: stops = ("ffffff", "aaaaaa", "000000"), steps = (6, 3)

    "fffffff" -> (6 steps) -> "aaaaaa" -> (3 steps) -> "000000"

    The step count includes the stop for each pair. Total number of colors in the resulting gradient spectrum
    is the sum of the steps between each pair of stops plus 1.

        spectrum (list[str]): List (length=sum(steps) + 1) of RGB hex color strings


    class Direction(Enum):
        """Enum for specifying the direction of the gradient."""

        VERTICAL = auto()
        HORIZONTAL = auto()
        RADIAL = auto()
        DIAGONAL = auto()

    def __init__(self, *stops: Color, steps: tuple[int, ...] | int = 1, loop: bool = False) -> None:
        """Initialize a Gradient object.

            stops (Color): One ore more variables of type Color representing the color stops.
            steps (int | tuple[int, ...], optional): Number of steps or a tuple of step values for generating the
                spectrum. Defaults to 1.
            loop (bool, optional): Loop the gradient. This causes the final gradient color to transition back to the
                first gradient color. Defaults to False.

            ValueError: If no color stops are provided.

            _stops (tuple[Color]): Tuple of Color objects representing the color stops.
            _steps (int | tuple[int, ...]): Number of steps or a tuple of step values for generating the spectrum.
            _loop (bool): Loop the gradient. This causes the final gradient color to transition back to the
                first gradient color.
            spectrum (list[str]): List of strings representing the generated spectrum.
            _index (int): Current index of the spectrum.


        self._stops = stops
        if len(self._stops) < 1:
            msg = "At least one stop must be provided."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        self._steps = steps
        self._loop = loop
        self.spectrum: list[Color] = self._generate(self._steps)
        self._index: int = 0

    def get_color_at_fraction(self, fraction: float) -> Color:
        """Return the color at a fraction of the gradient.

            fraction (float): The fraction of the gradient to get the color for.

            Color: The color at the fraction of the gradient.

        if fraction < 0 or fraction > 1:
            msg = "Fraction must be 0 <= fraction <= 1."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        for i in range(1, len(self.spectrum) + 1):
            if fraction <= i / len(self.spectrum):
                return self.spectrum[i - 1]
        return self.spectrum[-1]

    def _generate(self, steps: int | tuple[int, ...]) -> list[Color]:
        """Calculate a gradient of colors between two colors using linear interpolation.

        If there is only one color in the stops tuple, the gradient will be a list of the same color.

        If multiple steps are given, the gradient between pairs of colors will be equal to the number of steps
        for the pair based on the order of stops and steps.

        Ex: stops = ("ffffff", "aaaaaa", "000000"), steps = (6, 3)
        Distance from "ffffff" to "aaaaaa" = 6 steps (7 colors including start and end)
        Distance from "aaaaaa" to "000000" = 3 steps (4 colors including start and end)
        Total colors in the gradient spectrum = 10 ("aaaaaa" is not repeated when transitioning from
        "ffffff" to "aaaaaa" and from "aaaaaa" to "000000")

        The step count includes the stop for each pair. Total number of colors in the resulting gradient spectrum:
        sum(steps) + 1

            list[str]: List (length=sum(steps) + 1) of RGB hex color strings. The first and last colors are
                the start and end stops, respectively.

        if isinstance(steps, int):
            steps = (steps,)
            for step in steps:
                if step < 1:
                    msg = "Steps must be greater than 0."
                    raise ValueError(msg)
        spectrum: list[Color] = []
        if len(self._stops) == 1:
            color = self._stops[0]
            spectrum.extend(color for _ in range(steps[0]))
            return spectrum
        if self._loop:
            self._stops = (*self._stops, self._stops[0])
        a, b = itertools.tee(self._stops)
        next(b, None)
        color_pairs = list(zip(a, b))
        steps = steps[: len(color_pairs)]
        if len(steps) < len(color_pairs):
            steps = steps + (steps[-1],) * (len(color_pairs) - len(steps))
        color_pair: tuple[Color, Color]
        for color_pair, step_count in zip(color_pairs, steps):
            if step_count < 1:
                msg = f"Invalid steps: {step_count} | Steps must be greater than 0."
                raise ValueError(msg)
            start, end = color_pair
            start_color_ints = start.rgb_ints
            end_color_ints = end.rgb_ints
            # Initialize an empty list to store the gradient colors
            gradient_colors: list[Color] = []
            # Calculate the color deltas for each RGB value
            red_delta = (end_color_ints[0] - start_color_ints[0]) // step_count
            green_delta = (end_color_ints[1] - start_color_ints[1]) // step_count
            blue_delta = (end_color_ints[2] - start_color_ints[2]) // step_count
            # Calculate the intermediate colors and add them to the gradient colors list
            range_start = int(len(spectrum) > 0)  # if this is the first pair, add the start color to the spectrum
            for i in range(range_start, max(step_count, 0)):
                red = start_color_ints[0] + (red_delta * i)
                green = start_color_ints[1] + (green_delta * i)
                blue = start_color_ints[2] + (blue_delta * i)

                # Ensure that the RGB values are within the valid range of 0-255
                red = max(0, min(red, 255))
                green = max(0, min(green, 255))
                blue = max(0, min(blue, 255))

                # Convert the RGB values to a hex color string and add it to the gradient colors list
            # Add the end color to the gradient colors list
        return spectrum

    def build_coordinate_color_mapping(
        min_row: int,
        max_row: int,
        min_column: int,
        max_column: int,
        direction: Gradient.Direction,
    ) -> dict[geometry.Coord, Color]:
        """Build a mapping of coordinates to colors based on the gradient and a direction.

        For example, a vertical gradient will have the same color for each column in a row. When applied across all
        characters in the canvas, the gradient will be visible as a vertical gradient.

            min_row (int): The minimum row value. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to max_row.
            max_row (int): The maximum row value. Must be greater than 0 and greater than or equal to min_row.
            min_column (int): The minimum column value. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to max_column.
            max_column (int): The maximum column value. Must be greater than 0 and greater than or equal to min_column.
            direction (Gradient.Direction): The direction of the gradient.

            dict[Coord, str]: A mapping of coordinates to colors.

        if any(value < 1 for value in (max_row, max_column, min_row, min_column)):
            msg = "max_row and max_column must be greater than 0."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if min_row > max_row or min_column > max_column:
            msg = "min_row and min_column must be less than or equal to max_row and max_column."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        row_offset = min_row - 1
        column_offset = min_column - 1
        gradient_mapping: dict[geometry.Coord, Color] = {}
        if direction == Gradient.Direction.VERTICAL:
            for row_value in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
                fraction = (row_value - row_offset) / (max_row - row_offset)
                color = self.get_color_at_fraction(fraction)
                for column_value in range(min_column, max_column + 1):
                    gradient_mapping[geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value)] = color
        elif direction == Gradient.Direction.HORIZONTAL:
            for column_value in range(min_column, max_column + 1):
                fraction = (column_value - column_offset) / (max_column - column_offset)
                color = self.get_color_at_fraction(fraction)
                for row_value in range(1, max_row + 1):
                    gradient_mapping[geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value)] = color
        elif direction == Gradient.Direction.RADIAL:
            for row_value in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
                for column_value in range(min_column, max_column + 1):
                    distance_from_center = geometry.find_normalized_distance_from_center(
                        geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value),
                    color = self.get_color_at_fraction(distance_from_center)
                    gradient_mapping[geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value)] = color
        elif direction == Gradient.Direction.DIAGONAL:
            for row_value in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
                for column_value in range(min_column, max_column + 1):
                    fraction = (((row_value - row_offset) * 2) + (column_value - column_offset)) / (
                        ((max_row - row_offset) * 2) + (max_column - column_offset)
                    color = self.get_color_at_fraction(fraction)
                    gradient_mapping[geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value)] = color

        return gradient_mapping

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Color]:
        """Return an iterator over the Gradient object."""
        yield from self.spectrum

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return the length of the Gradient object."""
        return len(self.spectrum)

    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Color: ...

    def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> list[Color]: ...

    def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice) -> Color | list[Color]:
        """Return the color at the given index or a list of colors based on the slice."""
        return self.spectrum[index]

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return a string representation of the Gradient object."""
        color_blocks = [f"{colorterm.fg(color.rgb_color)}{ansitools.reset_all()}" for color in self.spectrum]
        return f"Gradient: Stops({', '.join(c.rgb_color for c in self._stops)}), Steps({self._steps})\n" + "".join(


Bases: Enum

Enum for specifying the direction of the gradient.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
class Direction(Enum):
    """Enum for specifying the direction of the gradient."""

    VERTICAL = auto()
    HORIZONTAL = auto()
    RADIAL = auto()
    DIAGONAL = auto()


__getitem__(index: int) -> Color
__getitem__(index: slice) -> list[Color]

Return the color at the given index or a list of colors based on the slice.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice) -> Color | list[Color]:
    """Return the color at the given index or a list of colors based on the slice."""
    return self.spectrum[index]

__init__(*stops, steps=1, loop=False)

Initialize a Gradient object.


Name Type Description Default
stops Color

One ore more variables of type Color representing the color stops.

steps int | tuple[int, ...]

Number of steps or a tuple of step values for generating the spectrum. Defaults to 1.

loop bool

Loop the gradient. This causes the final gradient color to transition back to the first gradient color. Defaults to False.



Type Description

If no color stops are provided.


Name Type Description
_stops tuple[Color]

Tuple of Color objects representing the color stops.

_steps int | tuple[int, ...]

Number of steps or a tuple of step values for generating the spectrum.

_loop bool

Loop the gradient. This causes the final gradient color to transition back to the first gradient color.

spectrum list[str]

List of strings representing the generated spectrum.

_index int

Current index of the spectrum.


Type Description


Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
def __init__(self, *stops: Color, steps: tuple[int, ...] | int = 1, loop: bool = False) -> None:
    """Initialize a Gradient object.

        stops (Color): One ore more variables of type Color representing the color stops.
        steps (int | tuple[int, ...], optional): Number of steps or a tuple of step values for generating the
            spectrum. Defaults to 1.
        loop (bool, optional): Loop the gradient. This causes the final gradient color to transition back to the
            first gradient color. Defaults to False.

        ValueError: If no color stops are provided.

        _stops (tuple[Color]): Tuple of Color objects representing the color stops.
        _steps (int | tuple[int, ...]): Number of steps or a tuple of step values for generating the spectrum.
        _loop (bool): Loop the gradient. This causes the final gradient color to transition back to the
            first gradient color.
        spectrum (list[str]): List of strings representing the generated spectrum.
        _index (int): Current index of the spectrum.


    self._stops = stops
    if len(self._stops) < 1:
        msg = "At least one stop must be provided."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    self._steps = steps
    self._loop = loop
    self.spectrum: list[Color] = self._generate(self._steps)
    self._index: int = 0


Return an iterator over the Gradient object.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Color]:
    """Return an iterator over the Gradient object."""
    yield from self.spectrum


Return the length of the Gradient object.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return the length of the Gradient object."""
    return len(self.spectrum)


Return a string representation of the Gradient object.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Return a string representation of the Gradient object."""
    color_blocks = [f"{colorterm.fg(color.rgb_color)}{ansitools.reset_all()}" for color in self.spectrum]
    return f"Gradient: Stops({', '.join(c.rgb_color for c in self._stops)}), Steps({self._steps})\n" + "".join(

build_coordinate_color_mapping(min_row, max_row, min_column, max_column, direction)

Build a mapping of coordinates to colors based on the gradient and a direction.

For example, a vertical gradient will have the same color for each column in a row. When applied across all characters in the canvas, the gradient will be visible as a vertical gradient.


Name Type Description Default
min_row int

The minimum row value. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to max_row.

max_row int

The maximum row value. Must be greater than 0 and greater than or equal to min_row.

min_column int

The minimum column value. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to max_column.

max_column int

The maximum column value. Must be greater than 0 and greater than or equal to min_column.

direction Direction

The direction of the gradient.



Type Description
dict[Coord, Color]

dict[Coord, str]: A mapping of coordinates to colors.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
def build_coordinate_color_mapping(
    min_row: int,
    max_row: int,
    min_column: int,
    max_column: int,
    direction: Gradient.Direction,
) -> dict[geometry.Coord, Color]:
    """Build a mapping of coordinates to colors based on the gradient and a direction.

    For example, a vertical gradient will have the same color for each column in a row. When applied across all
    characters in the canvas, the gradient will be visible as a vertical gradient.

        min_row (int): The minimum row value. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to max_row.
        max_row (int): The maximum row value. Must be greater than 0 and greater than or equal to min_row.
        min_column (int): The minimum column value. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to max_column.
        max_column (int): The maximum column value. Must be greater than 0 and greater than or equal to min_column.
        direction (Gradient.Direction): The direction of the gradient.

        dict[Coord, str]: A mapping of coordinates to colors.

    if any(value < 1 for value in (max_row, max_column, min_row, min_column)):
        msg = "max_row and max_column must be greater than 0."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if min_row > max_row or min_column > max_column:
        msg = "min_row and min_column must be less than or equal to max_row and max_column."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    row_offset = min_row - 1
    column_offset = min_column - 1
    gradient_mapping: dict[geometry.Coord, Color] = {}
    if direction == Gradient.Direction.VERTICAL:
        for row_value in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
            fraction = (row_value - row_offset) / (max_row - row_offset)
            color = self.get_color_at_fraction(fraction)
            for column_value in range(min_column, max_column + 1):
                gradient_mapping[geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value)] = color
    elif direction == Gradient.Direction.HORIZONTAL:
        for column_value in range(min_column, max_column + 1):
            fraction = (column_value - column_offset) / (max_column - column_offset)
            color = self.get_color_at_fraction(fraction)
            for row_value in range(1, max_row + 1):
                gradient_mapping[geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value)] = color
    elif direction == Gradient.Direction.RADIAL:
        for row_value in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
            for column_value in range(min_column, max_column + 1):
                distance_from_center = geometry.find_normalized_distance_from_center(
                    geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value),
                color = self.get_color_at_fraction(distance_from_center)
                gradient_mapping[geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value)] = color
    elif direction == Gradient.Direction.DIAGONAL:
        for row_value in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
            for column_value in range(min_column, max_column + 1):
                fraction = (((row_value - row_offset) * 2) + (column_value - column_offset)) / (
                    ((max_row - row_offset) * 2) + (max_column - column_offset)
                color = self.get_color_at_fraction(fraction)
                gradient_mapping[geometry.Coord(column_value, row_value)] = color

    return gradient_mapping


Return the color at a fraction of the gradient.


Name Type Description Default
fraction float

The fraction of the gradient to get the color for.



Name Type Description
Color Color

The color at the fraction of the gradient.

Source code in terminaltexteffects/utils/
def get_color_at_fraction(self, fraction: float) -> Color:
    """Return the color at a fraction of the gradient.

        fraction (float): The fraction of the gradient to get the color for.

        Color: The color at the fraction of the gradient.

    if fraction < 0 or fraction > 1:
        msg = "Fraction must be 0 <= fraction <= 1."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    for i in range(1, len(self.spectrum) + 1):
        if fraction <= i / len(self.spectrum):
            return self.spectrum[i - 1]
    return self.spectrum[-1]